I'm cool with people using my images as inspiration, which fits into Fair Use, and I don't mind if my ideas are redistributed so long as I'm credited, and a tool like Pinterest makes it much easier TO credit me. I try very hard to ensure that I use good blogging practices and properly link and attribute the images I share, BECAUSE IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO (most Tumblr users should be dreadfully ashamed of themselves). I want anyone who stumbles across my tiny corner of the internet to be able to go directly to the source and experience the thing I found so inspiring for themselves! The progenitor of that inspiration deserves it.
This whole fiasco is SOPA in reverse, and IT IS NOT COOL. Did Pinterest not JUST fix their terms of service to ensure continuing ownership of the images that get pinned? Why is it that only MEGA-CORPORATIONS get any protection for their intellectual property? Thanks to Inspiration&Realisation, I think I know the answer to that last question...